Why Vinyl Cladding Is the Best Low-Maintenance Option for Your Home

Posted on: 12 August 2019

Vinyl cladding has graced the walls of homes from America to Australia since the late 1950s, ever since it was introduced as a replacement for aluminium cladding.

In the early days, however, vinyl cladding developed a poor reputation. Back then, it was brittle and hence easily cracked or damaged. But don't let the failures of vinyl cladding's past put you off. Modern vinyl cladding is far superior to the cladding that first appeared on the market. And as well as being cheap and easy to install, vinyl cladding is almost maintenance-free.

If you would rather not spend time maintaining your home's cladding every year, think about investing in some vinyl cladding for your home.

Pests Won't Eat Vinyl Cladding

Australia is full of insects that love to snack on wood. As a result, unless you plan to maintain your home's cladding diligently, you should go for something less enticing to pests like termites and wood borers — something like vinyl cladding.

And, if you like the look of timber siding, you can locate a provider who offers vinyl siding that mimics the appearance of wood grain.

Paper Wasps Don't Build Nests From Vinyl Cladding

In Australia, paper wasps are the scourge of wooden structures, from decking to siding. These pests scrape at wooden features, leaving unsightly gouges, and use the wood to create paper from which they then build a nearby nest. So, not only do you end up with unsightly damage to your home's siding, but you also gain a wasp nest in the process!

Vinyl siding, on the other hand, won't ever have to suffer the jaws of a paper wasp queen. Subsequently, you could potentially save money on maintenance and pest control.

Vinyl Cladding Doesn't Show Scratches

Over time, it is only natural that your home's cladding might encounter a stray tree branch or gardening implement. These little accidents cause scratches. On a wooden surface, which is generally treated and painted, scratches stand out and leave your home looking worn and aged.

Fortunately for those interested in vinyl, vinyl cladding does not scratch in the same way that wood does. Of course, you can still scratch it, but the damage won't show on the material because the colour runs right the way through it.

As an added bonus, homeowners that opt for vinyl cladding can choose from over 300 colours!

You Don't Need to Repaint Vinyl Cladding

The problem with wooden siding is that unless you repaint it from time to time, it will succumb to the ravages of time, as moisture, humidity and sunlight all take their toll on it. If this is not something you want to have to do, you should invest in vinyl cladding instead.

As mentioned earlier, vinyl cladding comes in over 300 shades, and although it may fade over time, you won't need to paint it — unless, of course, you choose to do so.

Vinyl Cladding Won't Rot

If you don't maintain wooden siding diligently, it will eventually rot. This is especially true if you live on the coast, for example, where rainfall is more frequent and the air is laden with corrosive salt.

Vinyl cladding is moisture-resistant. This means that it won't rot when exposed to humidity or moisture. So, provided you choose a reputable supplier and a quality product, you won't have to spend time treating your vinyl cladding to ensure it is protected against the elements.

Vinyl Cladding Is Easy to Clean

The only maintenance you should need to carry out if you opt for vinyl cladding for your home is in regards to cleanliness. Like any surface exposed to the outdoors, vinyl siding will pick up dirt and grime. Fortunately, you need only wash your vinyl siding with a water/vinegar combination, a cloth and a little elbow grease. You won't need heavy-duty cleaning products at all.

If you would rather spend your time enjoying your garden or working on another area of your home, choose vinyl cladding. It really is the lowest-maintenance cladding available in the market today.

Contact a company like Forever Boards Pty Ltd to learn more about vinyl cladding.
